United Kingdom England Scotland Cornwall Ireland
France Italy Netherlands Canada USA Australia New Zealand
To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root.
Chinese proverb

Bullion     |     Connor     |     Cox     |     Davey     |     Irving     |     Oldridge      |     Ripper     |     Suggitt


For many years Teresa and I have been researching our family trees. At the start of this exercise we knew nothing about any more than a couple of generations each.

We have now traced Ken's RIPPER ancestry back to Cornwall (15th century) as well as to later dates in Scotland, Essex, Norfolk, Hampshire and Kent. Teresa's OLDRIDGE family hail from Devon in the 1700s and from earlier times in Buckinghamshire, Ireland and Italy. It has been a fascinating exercise and we have turned up some really interesting stories as well. Both our families inevitably have close ties with London, mostly in the East End and Bermondsey. Some branches of our families have emigrated and, primarily, are now to be found in Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America.

For twelve years we lived in North Hill in Cornwall and were the most active members of North Hill Local History. The website which Ken managed, wrote and maintained was the public facing image of the group and contains a significant amount of our research. Sadly, the group has stopped functioning but we keep the website going, just in case somebody wishes to take it over. Much of our research was based upon building family histories of the parish's past residents and these can be seen alongside our own family histories on the Families section accessed from the menu at the top of this page.

In October 2023 Ken's ancestral DNA was analysed. The results confirmed almost all the documented histories we had compiled over the preceding decades whilst adding branches to our trees of which we were unaware. We plan to investigate Teresa's DNA links in 2023.

Our database has over 80,000 people, many of whom have biographical notes not shown on the website; there's far too much to put here and to do so could compromise the identity of living folk. If you wish to learn more about your family and would like to see an extract from our database please send us an e-mail. We look forward to expanding and updating our families as widely as possible and any help you can give is most welcome.

The guide to the published Family Trees can be accessed on the Families page.

You can see some of the stories we have uncovered on these pages:

Family Page

Published Story Pages

Stories To Be Published


Mary Ann Bullion | Mary Ripper's timeline | Bullions & The Law | Sid Bullion's photos

Thomas Bullions 2919


John Connor (1821-bef 1876)

Lawrence Connor


Dominic Grimoldi | Angelo Maffia (1812-1881)

Angelo (Henry) Maffia (1840-1900)


Thomas Davey (1974-1852)


Caleb Irving (1781-1840)

James Irving (Bucks)


Vic Oldridge | 1923 Cup Final | Thomas Clawson (1815-1879) | Whitelegg | St Mary Aldermanbury & Joseph Lucas

Lamsin in Penzance | Laszlo Hoenig 44332 | Rose Rosenberg 37634 | Jock's Wedding | Gregor of Russell Gulch | Murder of Annie Sansom in NSC


Alexander Repper (1773-1841) | M W Oldridge (author) | Thomas Ripper of Crawle (c1600-1661) | William Ripper (c1696-1733) | William Alexander Ripper (1855- aft 1891)

Crawle | Cornwall | Hopping | Surname

Annie Ripper 611 | Jane Repper 2806 | John Rippere 2808 | Vicki Rippere 4743 | Ralph Rippere 4713 | William Frederick Ripper 637 | Mining Accounts | William and Temperance residences 2221 | Michael Ripper actor | Eliza Hawkins | Eliza James née Ripper


Benjamin Suggitt c1779-1842 | Benjamin Suggitt (1881-1917)

East the publicans | William Suggitt 20851 | Vizer family | Higgins & Cook families


Bermondsey Guide | River Thames | St Olave's Fete 1896 | Whiff & Pongs | Mint Street Workhouse | Riverside School | Shuttleworths | Peek Freans

North Hill

Redland College