Family Tree Groups |
Ripper |
Bullion(s) |
Oldridge |
Irving |
Unassociated families with Similar Names |
North Hill, Cornwall Families |
The surname links below provide access to descendant family trees for those families shown in bold under the "Branch" heading. Other direct ancestors are also shown in each tree where a connection exists. Each is a skeleton tree, enabling identification of individual family members. Standardised modern spelling of surnames has been used.
These descendant trees will trace the line forward to around mid-twentieth century. The information in the trees is already in the public domain. Some living family members are, however, sensitive to seeing their information anywhere on the internet and for this reason the more recent generations have not been included to respect their privacy.
For over a decade we lived in North Hill in Cornwall and researched some of the families for the North Hill Local History Group.
If you are a descendant of one of these families and would like to receive a report of your family, with notes and recent generations, from our database please send us an e-mail and we'll be happy to help.
The selected branch will open in a new tab or screen.
Research has been undertaken on these families only to establish that there is no evidential connection to the main family trees shown above.
In order to collate them all into a single document, the earliest individual in each line has been notionally attached as a sibling to all other earliest individuals. This does not infer a family connection.
The reader is recommended to validate all relationships.
If you see evidence to connect any branch of these families to the main tree or to one another, please get in touch.
Below is a list of families associated with North Hill in Cornwall at their earliest known date. Each link will access a family tree report for that family.
Each report:
The North Hill Local History Group has much more information about the place and the people. The Families page on that site will show which families and individuals have been researched more extensively.
Aunger (abt 1640) | Barriball (abt 1600) | Bartlett (1750) | Buckingham (bef1543) | Caunter (bef 1692) | Craddock (bef1700) | Coad (1585) | Colmer (c1750) | Couch (1716) | Coumbe (abt 1670) | Darley (1669) | Dawe (abt 1550) | Dingle (abt 1700) | Foott (abt 1740) | Harfoot (abt 1740) | Hender (abt 1660) | Horrell (abt 1720) | Jasper (abt 1660) | Landrey (abt 1800) | Maunder (1718) | Peter (abt 1620) | Reed (abt 1750) | Rodd (abt 1510) | Spoure (abt 1425) | Trebartha (abt 1300) | Vincent (abt 1525) | Woolride/Penny (abt 1700) | |