William Alexander Ripper was my great grandfather's brother. The son of a chimney sweep in Victorian London, living in poverty and squalid conditions that may provide some background to the criminal actions of William Alexander Ripper.
1877 - Rhoda Birchell. It is highly likely that William Alexander Ripper had a daughter who was named Rhoda Burchell when she was born around 1877. This story came to light as a result of DNA matching and is related on this website in the DNA - Discoveries section. |
3 March 1878 - Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper "CAUTION TO CHIMNEY SWEEPERS "William Ripper, a master sweep residing in Friar Street, Blackfriar's Road, was summoned by the police under the Chimney Sweepers Act, 2 and 4 Vic., cap.85, sec.18, for lending his certificate: and Henry William Foster, a journeyman sweep, was charged with borrowing the same, contrary to the provisions of the act. It is unlikely that this was William's first brush with the law, and it was certainly not to be his last. Henry William Foster was a younger brother of William's wife, Caroline; the Foster family seem to have been in close collaboration with the Rippers in their clandestine ventures. |
The Police Gazette from 2nd January 1880 to 23rd February 1880 Deserted From the Militia "William Ripper; 1st Surrey Corps; Lambeth; sweep; aged 24½; 5' 4" tall; brown hair; grey eyes, sallow complexion; deserted 16 June [1879]; cut over left eye" William would not have been available to attend the muster on 16 June 1879, or any thereafter, having been imprisoned in April 1879. |
1881 census - Chatham Prison, Kent
1889 - Released from prison on licence and rearrested for an assault on his wife Saturday, February 23, 1889 - THE SOUTH LONDON PRESS "Breaking a Wife’s Arm