Descendants of Various Unattached Persons with the Oldridge Surname

Surname List

<----> , Abbott , Bacon , Birch , Bleasby , Bone , Bonning , Bottom , Brown , Buchan , Burrell , Carew , Chadwick , Chick , Clarke , Clayton , Coates , Constable , Cook , Cosier , Crawford , Dando , Davies , Diamond , Dickery , Diment , Doulton , Drury , Edwards , Essom , Evans , Featherstone , Fedrick , Feeney , Flynn , Foot , French , Gould , Griffin , Griffiths , Groves , Hawkins , Head , Helyar , Hey , Hobson , Holden , Howard , Hulford , Hunter , Jackson , James , Jarvis , Johnson , Jones , Langford , Larwood , Lee , Lillycrop , Lye , Mansfield , Maple , Marsh , Marshall , Marshallsay , Mattocks , McKee , Metcalfe , Milton , Mindry , Mitchell , Moule , Nevitt , Newmarch , Oldridge , Oliver , Osment , Ozard , Parker , Parsons , Partridge , Peacock , Perkins , Phillips , Pritchard , Raishley , Raper , Ronaldson , Rose , Rowland , Sansford , Shaw , Shotbolt , Slater , Small , Smith , Sparks , Stevens , Stone , Summerfield , Tait , Taylor , Thomas , Thompson , Townsend , Tuckwell , Verren , Waites , Walker , Ward , Watson , Webb , Wharton , Wills , Wosley

Name Index

Ken and Teresa Ripper's website